Share Your Blogger Tips and Tricks!

Posted on the 14 May 2012 by Mikidemann @mikidemann

Hey oh! Welcome to this fine Monday afternoon. I had a wonderful weekend spending Mother’s Day with my mom!
Now its time to get down to business. I have been wanting to do a new blogger Link Up for a while now. I have had numerous emails each day from new bloggers asking me questions about grab boxes, buttons, making pages, emails, and everything else under the blogger sun!So, I had this idea of doing a helpful post, where it could serve as a blogger help directory. I want this post to be a helpful to all bloggers. If there are any questions on any items, or if you yourself have questions on design, html, layout, or WHATEVER you can scroll through and utilize the knowledge that other bloggers are offering. I would love any posts having to do with blogging tips to be linked up. I don’t care if it’s about blogging with social media, how to create a FB page for your blog, or things you’ve learned while blogging. I am really hoping this link up takes off, because I WISH I would have found something like this 2 years ago, when I had no idea what a button was.
Link up your post, with a description of your post. Then if you’d like, I made a button that you can grab and place on your post that you link up.

<center><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a></center>

These are the posts I will link that I've written:

Make your own html buttons

PLEASE consider doing this, it will be a valuable link up and only take a few moments :) Gracias Blogaritas!