Diaries Magazine

Sharing Your Heart Smile with World by @JoyChristin

Posted on the 21 April 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
Sharing Your Heart Smile with World by @JoyChristin Google+0Twitter0Facebook0

So now you are probably wondering – back to back guest posts eh? Yes! I actually had a post titled “Smiles” scheduled. Then, while chatting with my dear friend Joy of Facets of Joy, I mentioned how lovely it was when she was here last year for the letter J with Joy is here. I invited her to guest post and she asked which letters were free – and I told her “whatever you want”.  She chose S. I said Yes. And quietly shelved my post.

Joy always delights with her writing. I love her gentleness, her honesty, her courage to stretch herself and step out of her comfort zone, and her ability to always see the silver lining in every situation. Most of all, though, I love her sense of community. I love her.

I’ve known Joy Holland for several years now. We’ve Skyped and what we expected to be a quick conversation turned into a two-hour laughter fest. We have a wonderful sync with our thoughts and I cherish our connection.
Joy HollandJoy Holland is an Empathic Intuitive Guide, Energy and Clarity Facilitator who shares the gift of
presence to magnify your inner brilliance. Joy is the founder of Facets of Joy – a community where exploration is encouraged and heart whispers are affirmed and supported.

You are worthy and deserving of living a life full of peace, joy, love, wonder, awe, delight, possibility.

She  invites you to experience the feeling of inner peace and possibility, even in the midst of chaos. To celebrate with joy, even while heart continues to heal and grow. She offers Personal Sessions

Please join me in welcoming Joy Holland today!

Sharing Your Heart Smile with World

by Joy Holland

heart smiles vidya sury

I love Vidya’s tagline: collecting smiles.

In order to collect anything, it needs to be present to see and feel.

Where do those smiles come from, then, so we can collect them?


If you choose not to smile or you smile but you hide it away and don’t share it with world, there won’t be anything for Vidya (or any of us) to collect!

Why do people hide their smiles?

Basically there are three main reasons people hide their smiles. They are:

• busy.
• in pain.
• afraid.

Busy. You see, when you are moving through your day, focused on everything you have to do (raise your family, care for loved ones, be present for your job, exercise, prepare food, cross off each item on your to-do list) it can feel quite ‘serious’. You might think that you don’t have time to smile or that smiling is impractical. And you put it off until later. But later feels very far away, because each day you put off smiling, it becomes less familiar and comfortable to you.

Pain. When you are in physical, emotional and/or energetic pain your focus tends to be on the feeling of pain and how to dissolve it. You might not even be considering smiling, because your attention is on your pain.

Afraid. You might feel that if you smile, you (and your smile) will be judged – as too much, not enough, too impractical, too light….and the list of possible judgments is far reaching. So you choose only to smile in your own space, or to not smile at all.

I understand why people choose not to smile. But I also understand that your heart smile lights the world; when you choose to share it, you are being the change that many people talk about wishing to be! And, that smile brings to you energies of peace and possibility so what might have felt heavy or impossible (or even hurt) before you smiled, now feels lighter, possible, even less painful!

The Energy of a Heart Smile

heart smiles vidya sury

When your heart is happy, you smile. Even if you are busy, in pain or afraid — when you feel love, gratitude, delight, wonder and/or awe, you smile. It’s natural.

There is nothing to do but to allow yourself to feel it! When you feel it fully, you laugh. When you laugh, others laugh, too.

In those moments, you feel utter peace regardless of external; all is well in the world and your heart smile affirms that to be so.

You are not ignoring whatever external is in your life, you are simply allowing your heart smile to say that ‘yes!’ in this moment, you believe and feel all to be well.

Let’s feel into this: if someone tells you a joke that you find funny, you laugh. Even if your leg is in a cast, your to-do list is half-done, you’re wearing braces that you’d rather not show, you just lost something or someone really special to you. You can’t help but laugh because your heart is delighted!

And, when you laugh – you are no longer feeling busy, in pain, afraid, because your attention is on your laughter!!!

Now let’s flip that example around. What if you are the one that sparks the smile for others???

You might be thinking that is not possible. Well, here are a few simple ways to share your smile:

1. Simply smile. Try it. Wherever you are right now, smile. Did that lighten your mood? If there are others around you, I bet they smiled in return.
2. Smile as you greet the people that you love.
3. Smile as people pass by when you are out in public.
4. Smile at babies.
5. Smile at their moms (they usually need a smile!!!).
6. Smile at everyone whom you meet that is serving you in some way.
7. Smile at the person tucked away in the corner of your favorite restaurant or cafe.
8. Send a text smile to your friends.
9. Stick a handwritten smiley face note on your computer screen, the bathroom mirror, your refrigerator.

See how easy it is to share a smile?

heart smiles

To encourage you to smile, I have a gift! (Sharing gifts usually sparks a smile!) A free, downloadable PDF “A Celebration of Your Presence”. (simply click the link to receive your gift.)

I would love to know about your experience with smiling. What lights your heart smile/naturally sparks your smile? And has there been a time when you shared a smile that felt ‘super good’? (when you share, you inspire)

Thank you for your presence!

Much peace and abundant love,

Thank you, Joy!

Day 19 of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge

S is for Share your heart smile with world by Joy Holland

Today, let’s go visit:

Michelle Wallace of Writer In Transit – she has a lovely theme for the A to Z!

Freya at Life as Freya

Namaste! I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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