She Catches Air

Posted on the 10 June 2013 by Shewritesalittle @SheWritesALittle

First Dress: in the can.

…Some small adjustments made, due to the longer skirting, different shoes, hats, gloves, new props and additional layers and corset, but all the big stuff made it in the mix.

My largest: a particular vamping moment we weren’t sure would make the cut once my constrictions were all added in, was saved after all, but took some negotiations, and a lot of body launching in about 20 feet of satin, to achieve. 

And at first: it totally didn’t work. 

…But took time before the run to slowly mark it…and the material and costume give, and placement…then, with both Mdm Director and Costumer watching to make sure I didn’t fuck it all up: graduated at last to the eventual speeding leap onto a specific piece of furniture, getting enough air to launch myself into a landed seductive position, of comedic proportions, grown specifically from the knowledge that I would be dealing with too many skirts at that point to achieve it in any other way.

…The first time, in costume, was the most unsexy thing you have every seen. 

…And slightly terrifying.

…Followed quickly by the second and third most unalluring moments, possibly in history. 

The end-game was finally achieved, however, (in the run), by purely launching my body with no fear at it’s goal and letting gravity do the rest.  People laughed, so I suppose whether sexy or not, it is at the very least “funny,” which is the ultimate goal anyway, so: yay.

Off tomorrow night, trying to work from home at least tomorrow morning to buy me some sleep-in time, which I have yet to get this week.

…Would like to catch up on some of that before tech continues.
