She is Radhika Now.

Posted on the 04 December 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Mom could feel her kick.

The tiny feet were fierce, and reached to meet any hand that pressed against her stomach.   “I think she’s a warrior.”  Mom explained to family, and Dad agreed.

They named her Durga.  They wanted to give her an invincible name, one that would guide her in battles for justice.

Durga, Warrior Goddess – bow, tiger, battle horn, daggers, etc.

Months passed, and the kicking became a familiar part of life.  The little one was noisy– full of fire and curiosity.  She was born early, screaming and flailing until she was put in her mother’s arms.

Mom smiled at the little warrior she had carried for so many months and said, “Hello, my love.  Hello, Durga.”

A little hand swung forward.  Mom reflectively put up a hand of her own to protect her face.  She laughed, because her little warrior was already fighting.  It was familiar and yet so new, all at the same time.

Instead of hitting, though, the little one grabbed her mother’s hand, brought it close to her newborn lips, and seemingly kissed it.

Mom looked up in shocked wonderment and asked, “Did we misunderstand? Have we been calling her by the wrong name this whole time?”

“I think so,” Dad laughed, pointing to the little one’s tush.  “It looks like we have a lover, not a fighter.”  On the small newborn bottom, there were three tiny heart birthmarks.

“We should ask my dad,” Mom commanded, and so Grandpa was brought into the room.

He smiled down at the little one, peering behind his thick glasses.  “Why look at that,” he murmured, “She’s a little truth-seeker.  She has the mark right on her face.”

All three stared at her for a quiet moment as she stared back silently with a smile.

Finally, Dad spoke up.  “Maybe instead we should call her Radhika? I think she would make a good warrior, but perhaps love is her bigger truth.”

The little one kicked and cooed.  Grandpa smiled, Mom agreed, and it was done.

She was Durga no longer.

Sri Radha, Source – with more information about the worship of Radha


333 Words Exactly for Trifecta’s Weekly Challenge- “Tush” being the magical word.

I figured it was a good opportunity to tell the tale of how I was called a different name till the moment I was born.  This is an adaptation of a story I was told many times.  In truth, nearly 12 people were brought into the room to discuss my name and all agreed (for different reasons) that Radhika was a better fit.

Even though most people now call me diminutives of Radhika — from Radha to the more popular Rara– and even though I’ve never lived up the grandiose nature of it — I’ve always connected with my name.

(Years later, my parents gave birth to their warrior.  My little sister came into the world with her hands in fists, one violent scream heard throughout the hospital, and an invincible heart that has always fought for justice.  I’ve always been glad the name was still available for her.  It is the perfect fit and I believe it protects her fighter’s spirit.)

Does your name suit your personality?