She is the One

Posted on the 15 May 2012 by Poorvishrivastav @poorvibird

She is the one!!
It’s difficult to actually describe her in words
As dedicated as a teacher and as independent as birds
From morning to noon and noon to night
she has taken care of all our fights!
From the day I was born to the day I will live
She has always followed the philosophy of ‘Give’
Never has she desired anything other than joy
even those, solely for her girl and her boy.
Her wants and desires were last and the least..
all her prayers centered on protecting us from the beast.
All our sorrows always evaporated, and we did not where
we even didn’t know that they were deposited in her share.
We are her stars, we are her life
she even considered mother above 'The Wife'.
to see a smile on whose faces she worked day and night
balancing those spectacles and her week eye sight
When I studied in the night ,I wasn’t alone ever
there was always that hand guiding me forever
happy for my success and sad when I failed
she never showed her tears but alone she wailed.
The woman who requires a special mention of praise
those silent eyes, peaceful mind and loving gaze
This is to the woman I love, admire and respect
whose dedication even the almighty cant suspect
to the world she may be just another,
but to me she is the one I call MY MOTHER!!!
Dedicated to my mother. Love you ma. Part of Blogadda ‘Memories, Conversations and Incidents withmy Mom’ contest.
Distances apart though we are, our hearts are nowhere close to far..