Self Expression Magazine

She's Come Undone

Posted on the 12 October 2012 by Liz @RiderChronicles

By Jamie

I realize that most of my last post have been rants about the bus.  That is not why I joined Liz in creating this blog.  And if anything I want to encourage people to try public transportation.  It got me thinking about something that bus has rekindled in me and that is my love (or strong like) of reading.  Since I began riding the bus I have read 7 books (and I’ve been riding for about 6 months).  OK, so to some people that may not seem like a lot, but given that I probably haven’t read 7 books in the past 2 years it’s big.  And though the bus only gives me about 20-30 minutes of reading time I find myself reading more at home too.  I have forgotten how good it feels to be taken away to some place different.  It breaks the monotony of listening to my music and just staring off into space (though sometime I enjoy that too). 
Now I’m not fancy so you won’t find me with a Kindle or other e-Reader, and I try my hardest to read paperbacks only so that I’m not lugging around more than I have too.  I love the way a book feels in my hand and I have always loved the way a books pages smell.  I guess in this one respect I’m old school.  So, below is what I’ve read and a very short oh so unsophisticated review.  And it won’t really tell you what the book is about.
Currently reading: 
She’s Come Undone by W. Lamb.  Good characters keeps me reading.

Catching Fire (2nd in Hunger Games Trilogy) by S. Collins.  Full of anticipation, my favorite of the trilogy.
Mockingjay (3rd in Hunger Games Trilogy) by S. Collins.  Hurry up, get this dang thing over with already.  But good and easy enough to read. Room, by E. Donoghue.  The author wrote this before Jaycee Duggard was found, but the story is very similar.   Super interesting what humans do to survive. Nashville Chrome by R. Bass.  Fiction piece about the Brown Trio from the 1950’s.  So, the Brown’s were real, but part of the story wasn’t?  That confused me and all I did was google stuff to try to find out was real and what was fiction.  Slow read, I give it a “meh”. The Immortal Life or Henrietta Lacks by R. Sloot.  Really enjoyed it, it amazed how science has come so far.  Interesting view of ethics.  Vinegar Hill, by M Ansay.  I’m not sure I got the point of that book.  Depressing and not fully enjoyable the written well. Breakfast with Buddha by R. Merullo.  Super fun story, made me think about how I may become more “enlightened” in today’s hustle and bustle.  (NOT a self help book, a novel about a road trip with an average Jo and a Buddhist Monk, funny!).
Oh, and I tried to read some Hemmingway.  Not for me! 
If you have a book I just must read I’m always looking for suggestions. 

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