Diaries Magazine

She Wears Many Hats

Posted on the 29 June 2012 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
She’s kind. She’s loyal. She’s consistent. She’s generous. She's inspiring.
Her comments are always uplifting. She makes it a point to comment on, and share each and every post she reads. And she reads. A lot. As is obvious by her Twitter feed.
She’s a writer, par excellence. She's a poet. She's an artist. She's an all-shades-of-awesome blogger.
She's Terri Sonoda, Author of Sara’s Sleep
I am thrilled to welcome my dear friend, Terri Sonoda today.
This is a very special day for me and my blog, because…
Yes, dear friends! Going A-Musing will be ten years old next month (I started this blog in July 2003 – no, seriously. Check the proof!) - and what better way to usher in its birthday month than a guest post from one of the most amazing persons I know?
I had the pleasure of guest-posting over at Terri’s recently – and I wrote a little intro to her on this blog. She knows exactly how to weave her magic with words. Her sense of humor completely takes my breath away. And? With Terri’s first published novel(la), Sara’s Sleep, I feel as though my own dream has come true. This is a superb book!
There’s something about my friends’ successes that gives me such a high – I doubt if I’ll be as excited when I get around to publishing my own book. And I love the feeling.
Without further ado, I present Terri Sonoda, one of the most awesome authors I know. If you think we’re turning into a Mutual Admiration Society by singing each other’s praises here, I say why not! We mean each heart-felt word. And remember, we both live by this credo, ‘coz that’s the way we roll:
“Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light” 
Welcome, Terri! Thank you so much for being here today! 
She Wears Many Hats
She Wears Many Hats First of all, I would like to thank Vidya for allowing me to occupy some valuable real estate here on her amazing blog! Whenever I think about surfing over here to Vidya’s Going A-Musing, I always smile because I know I’m headed to a happy place where I will feel at home and welcome.
Vidya is blessed with many wonderful qualities, to include compassion, faith, wit, wisdom, and intelligence. However, I believe her most beautiful attribute…one that accents and compliments the rest…is her grace. She has the innate ability to make everyone around her feel special. She is a loving and loyal friend. She is a brilliant writer and takes beautiful photos. I’m so proud to have Vidya as my friend!
I am beyond pleased to announce the launching of my first novella, titled Sara’s Sleep. Sara’s Sleep was born on my blog, Terri’s Little Corner, and blossomed into a book, as if by magic.
Well not really.
It took a lot of work on my part and also Karla and the team at Adoro Books. Their editing and amazing design of the book cover art added special spice to my work and made me even more proud to present it to the world.
Sara’s Sleep officially launches on July 1st, and we are celebrating online with a Launch Party complete with fun, frivolity and even a few prizes. If you’d like to drop in for the festivities, just go to www.facebook.com/TerriSonoda on Sunday, July 1st, anytime between 2 and 4 pm PST. Join in on the conversation and the fun. I will be your host, along with Karla and Katie from Adoro Books.
She Wears Many Hats Even though the launch is several days away, Sara’s Sleep is available now for purchase on Amazon. The paperback is $7.45 and the downloadable Kindle version is only 99 cents. And? You don’t have to own a Kindle to download the book. You can read the book right from your computer screen. Just go to Amazon and download their free “Kindle for my PC” app, then grab your 99 cent copy of Sara’s Sleep and get to reading! Easy as pie! Just click on the link below the book cover to get to Amazon.

She Wears Many Hats

Buy this book

While you’re there, please feel free to leave me a review of the book, and even click on the LIKE button if you are so inclined. I would be all kinds of grateful. I might even break into song…something by the Rolling Stones, perhaps. We’ll have to wait and see.
Thank you again, Vidya, for having me. And thanks everyone, for reading. I hope you all enjoy Sara’s Sleep!
She Wears Many Hats
Thank you, Terri! I love it! I’ve always enjoyed the Rolling Stones. And even though I have two left feet, I might join you in the jig. 
So dear friends, here’s a plan of action I recommend:
• Get your copy of Sara’s Sleep - also makes a great gift!
• “Like” Terri’s author’s page at http://www.facebook.com/TerriSonoda
• Follow her on Twitter @tsonoda
• Visit and subscribe to Terri’s blog at http://www.terrisonoda.net
• Join us for the launch party
I am grateful, as always, for your presence and support here! 

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