…shed a Little Light

Posted on the 13 June 2012 by Zer @the2women

…are you afraid of the dark?

There are few things that can turn a perfectly logical, kind person into a vicious, grunting monster like insomnia can.  Coffee may work in a pinch, but nothing can replace a good night’s sleep.

I know some of you are thinking (or speaking aloud to your computer screens, thus proving my point) that you don’t need sleep.  You are the exception to the rule.  You can go and go and go on no sleep at all.  You are kidding yourself, which may come in handy if you are among the 50% of insomniacs who lose sleep over a fear of the dark.

I just want all of you nyctophobians out there to know that there is hope.   At the end of that very dark, long tunnel of tossing and turning, surrounded by nothing but more darkness (not helping am I) is a glimmer of light: Therapy.

Although, if you’re nice to me I can give you a time and money-saving solution to this insomnia issue.

…well since you asked…

Night light.  You’re welcome and sweet dreams.


“Some Insomniacs May Just be Afraid of the Dark”: MSNBC

…bi-daily smile…

…maybe not so much a smile as it is a creepy 90′s throwback that will make children of the 90′s smile…enjoy: