Sherborne Abbey Wedding Photography: Previews

Posted on the 01 August 2016 by Belinda Mccarthy @b_mccarthyphoto

It was a HUGE pleasure to be back carrying out more Sherborne Abbey wedding photography last weekend, and an even bigger pleasure to show you just some of the preview images which I've enjoyed sharing with the bride and groom so far. Sherborne Abbey in Dorset i s really one of the most beautiful settings for a wedding ceremony you can imagine. And as if that wasn't enough, after the wedding ceremony, we had the privilege of using the epic setting of Sherborne School for group shots and the couples wedding portrait photography, before moving on to a fabulous marquee reception nearby.

I never get over the beauty and splendour of Sherborne Abbey every time I'm there, and I'm sure the bride, groom and their wedding guests will never forget just how awe inspiring and special this wedding day was. We're amazingly lucky here in Dorset to have such wonderful places on our doorstep to visit; and it's testament to how glorious the Abbey is when you see how many visitors travel to look upon it and wander amongst the aisles every day.

Wedding photography at any wedding ceremony needs to be very respectful and utterly discreet, of course, and when photographing a wedding at Sherborne Abbey, in a sense you're lucky enough to have a huge space to work in. However, it's important to keep movement during the service to an absolute minimum, which means anticipating all the big moments and being in place at the right time to photograph them! In such a huge place such as the Abbey, it's a long way to creep from the front to the back! I keep movement during the wedding ceremony restricted to less quiet times, namely during hymns, so that my presence is as unnoticed as possible.

Let's move on to a few previews from this lovely, summery, wonderful wedding day at Sherborne Abbey, featuring shots from the bridal prep, the wedding ceremony, the couples portraits and the marquee reception following. The weather was kind, the guests celebrated, and I know we all felt unbelievably lucky to be a part of such an amazing day.

Sherborne Abbey Wedding Photography : Preview Images

Click on any of the images below to open a lightbox , to quickly scroll through the photographs. Easy!