Shlepping Along…

Posted on the 30 May 2012 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

10 years ago, you had a plan.  Maybe it was more like 15 years ago, but you’ve lost count now.  As each year progressed, you said this is the year I do that thing.  I don’t know what that thing is that you want to do mind you, but I know you had a plan for it.  You saved for it.  And then life happened…so you started saving again.  You were so busy paying for life that one year rolled into, and so on and so forth until you realized you had put it off for 10 or even 15 years.  This is the year I stop putting it off and start doing it.  Why?  Because I saw the most depressingly sad movie the other night and I realized that at any moment life is going to pass me by and that thing I want to do is still going to be my big dream.  One Day you too might wake up like Dexter and Emma and realize you still haven’t really accomplished what you set out to do.

So, now that we are all depressed, let’s fix this thing.  Ireland.  That is my “thing”.  I have wanted to go there for 15 years now.  I have the passport paperwork all filled out and haven’t made time to go get them yet.  Why?  Well, I had two beautiful girls 18 months apart, and then life got crazy and the last time I looked I realized the anniversary my husband and I were going to go had ummm passed.  Now I have twin puppies and vet bills and more life; however, there will NEVER be a perfect time.  Ever.  If I am going to say what needs to be said in life then I want to start living the way I want to live.  Do I have the money saved for this trip?  Nope.  One step at a time.  Passport is first.

If this sounds like you, whatever it is that you have postponed, hesitated, deferred, suspended, or just plain given up on, please dust it back off and start back on your plan to achieve it.  Write it in the middle of a piece of paper and hang it on your bathroom mirror.  Pinterest it, whatever.  Just don’t forget it is there.  If all else fails, sigh, there is an App for that.  Seriously.  The first one is the best looking to me because I can share my goal with over 3 million people, follow on Twitter, and log-in with Facebook.  Easy.  Here is the link by itself.  I even like the motto “Changing your life is hard.  Doing it by yourself is harder.”  Say it with me now.  Come on.  We can do this “thing”.  On that note, I need to create a new Pinterest board, so find me there if you want.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~Zig Ziglar