Shooting Day!

Posted on the 01 September 2012 by Littlemissliza @littlemissliza
Shooting day!
Shooting day!
Shooting day!Well..on my bucket list is to go shooting...with a pistol. So I had a look around my area and couldn't find anywhere that offered the experience. But then I found somewhere near Halifax called Adventure Centre. So I roped in my best friend Sarah to come along with me. £20 each but we thought it would be well worth the money. To be fair, it was really good. The whole day was really enjoyable. Sarah and I did something we had never really done before! So anyway, we were giving an American instructor. I was thinking "why is he living in Halifax?"HIs reply to this question was "too many late nights in Miami". Who knows what that means! The air rifle was incredibly heavy. It gave my arms a good work out having to 'cock' it to load it. I was good but we didn't use real bullets! We then moved onto the air pistols. Again we didn't use real bullets and to be honest this is what I wanted. I wanted to know what it is like to fire a real gun with real bullets. Not for any morbid reason but I find it strangely scary. I have the utmost respect for anything like that. They are not toys they are serious stuff. I wanted to see how good I would be! When I was much younger I wanted to be a Police Officer just like my uncle and I suppose my desire to do this sort of experience stems from that idea. But it was not to be...we just used little pellets. So, next time I want to do it with the real deal! I just don't know if you can actually do it anywhere....... Here are some photos of myself trying my best at some target shooting. It has to be said, I was scared because I had to use the rifle that did not have a safety switch ....big responsibility , but I stepped up to the mark! My favorite was the air gun. It felt more like the experience I was really wanting!