Shop Black Friday Like a BOSS and Own It.

Posted on the 28 November 2014 by Lynne @lynneknowlton

Hi love!  

No time for blogging chitty chatty today.  No time for nuttin’.  No time for tomfoolery.  We have time for bed lazing & shopping.  That’s it.  You up for the challenge?

Black Friday Deals via

Today is not a normal blog post.  It’s a GET YOUR SHOPPING SHIT DONE sort of post today.

blogging black friday

Stop expecting normal from me, it’s never going to happen.

*Palm hits face*

Today is about… Shopping. Shopping. Shopping.

Shopping peacefully.  From your computer.

Home office shopping

Imagine that?

I repeat.  We are going to shop peacefully.  Together. 


Black Friday deals on the blog

My typical reaction to Black Friday is to START THE CAR, START THE CAR while running for it.  A flying leap at a fast gallop.  I trip over dogs, babies, anything that moves.  I trip over things that don’t move.  I just trip.  On the daily.  I’m coordinated like that.

This year, I’m bringing the mall shopping to a grinding halt.  Stop.  We don’t have to start the car.  We don’t have to pile drive into anythaaang.

Relax from home

We can sit, relax and shop like a boss on our terms.  In our bed. Or at our desk.  Or anything.  Just not a mall.  Just like that.  Today is our day to own it at our own pace.

I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be a few mall scrappers today.  Someone will go down.  It will be a fight for the latest what-not.  Someone’s going to get their hair pulled in a retail store.

for moments like that

Not us, right?  We aren’t hopping the crazy train in a shopping mall.


We can skip the lines and get great deals while wearing our fuzzy slippers & flannel jammies.

Ahhhhh  that’s  how  we  roll

Today, we can shop from home, bra-less, wild haired, footloose and fancy free with dishevelled hair.

Not that I would do that.

 I would totally do that.

A turkey hangover can make people do weird things.

Shop from bed. Yeah!!

I love it.  You go girl.

Get ‘yer shit done.

Here’s the thing…. I have the inside scoop on the best sales for YOU

These sales are HUGE.  Mammoth.  They will make your Christmas warm and cheery.

Pottery  Barn  Blanket  &  Pillow

Guess what?!!  <— I screamed that.

I have the insider sales codes <– Yeah, I screamed that too.

These sales are going to rock your socks, Amadeus.

Find a cozy chair, flop yourself down, arm yourself with some energy mud and perhaps a wee spike of baileys.  Shhhh

Today is your day to nail your hohoho shopping without stepping into a retail store.

Are  you  up  for  it?

Best news ever : You won’t have to throat punch strangers in a mall.

Kick Ass SALES :

Anthropologie    Huge sale site wide

Bloomingdales    50% off a selection site wide

Free People    Up to 50% off select items

Gap   50% off sitewide    CODE: BLKFRIDAY

J Crew    30% off reg prices, 40% off on sale prices, free shipping.    CODE: HOLIDAY

Kate Spade Saturday    30% off site wide and free shipping     CODE: DEALME

Nordstrom    Up to 40% off select products

Old Navy     Entire store is 50% off !!!

Piperlime    25% off site wide.     CODE: THANKFUL25

Saks Fifth Avenue    Up to 60% off select styles !!!

Pottery Barn Kids    save up to 60%.  Oh.My.Word.

West Elm    Up to 25% off     CODE: SUPERSALE

World Market     Save 50% off hundreds of products // save an additional 10% + free shipping on orders $100    CODE:  SAVEBIG10

West  Elm  Sheer  White  Curtains

Want to see my personal faves??  You can shop my all time faves right here on the blog!  I feel so smart for lining up my favourites for you.  I should get a new pony or some mammoth prize.  Maybe an academy award.

Yeah.  With George Clooney.

The things I do for you.   I’d take one for the team.  If it’s George Clooney.  Do you think he’d like my boots?    Totally his style, right?  Pffffttt to the super model

My  Hunter  boots  &  Funky  Liners.  LOVE.

Here are my all time fave products that I own or swooning over:

My West Elm faves to buy /// Roots Canada ahhmazingness. I own almost everything in here. Crazy cool stuff. /// My fave Etsy sellers /// Name%20Your%20LinkName%20Your%20LinkName%20Your%20LinkName%20Your%20LinkName%20Your%20LinkName%20Your%20LinkName%20Your%20LinkName%20Your%20LinkBlack Friday Amazon ///  Pottery Barn awesome sauce /// Wooden Wheels for barn door hardware ///  Free People oh la la /// My fave travel accessories from Etsy sellers ///

BONUS: A sneak peak of my Etsy travel finds.  Why?  Because I think it’s super important to buy handmade too.  I love to support artists and online entrepreneurs.  Etsy rocks.

Click on photo to see the etsy sellers :

Soooooo whatcha think?  Do you love the deals?  Talk to me in the comments!  Tell me what you find today.  I’m at my ‘puter all day today and shopping too.

I’m gettin’ my hohoho on with you.  Wait.  Did that sound dirty?  Hmmm.

There’s  Pretty  Stuff  Everywhere !!

I’m all about saving money for this jolly season. That’s what makes me jolly. 

You with me? xoxo

Have fun and remember …

haha, especially if it’s in this homemade baileys.

——- from home —–

Kate Spade Candle & West Elm Glasses

Kate  Spade  Candle  &  Delta  Touch  Faucet !

More  Delta  Faucet  Awesome  Sauce

Black Friday Schedule:

Shop. Sip. Hiccup. Breathe. Shop. Rinse. Repeat.

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I’ll hold your hand.  You hold my hand.  We’ll be done in no time. We can do this together. xo

GirlBoss  LOVE

PS. When you find the hottie deals today, scream them back to me in the comments below. Share the links to what you found.  Shout it out to me on Twitter, Facebook, anywhere.

For the love of Pete, just shout.  I want to hear about your deals and coolio finds.

K? K. Deal.

Where am I?  Right behind you.  Right where I’ve always been.  Talk to you soon in the comments below …


Shop the Post :

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