I am a shopaholic. There I admitted it! I will admit one more thing. Even though I consider myself a veteran of online shopping (trust me, I contribute to almost 10% of Amazon’s total profit, single-handed), it never really comes close to the store hopping in the physical world. It’s the real deal. The soft touch of the fabric, the cold dazzling beauties of the jewelries, the perfect fit of the shoes – heavenly.When after a stressful week of negotiations and explanations, the situation finally felt swaying toward favourable, I had to unwind. And what better than shopping!Now, when I go shopping with my husband, usually (barring those rare occasions when he feels he loves me so much that he can tolerate any torture for me) I just get what I need and try to finish as quickly as possible because he tires out really quickly when I parade before him modelling the new dresses and probe him for the final choosing.So this time I went alone. I didn’t want him breathing down my neck, going – “how long how long” on a loop.Exhilarating, I must tell you it was. I went shoe shopping. Shoes, every girl’s true love. Oh! How we love them! And these days I am into pumps. After two hours and three stores later I got myself two pretty pairs! See –

Now that I was at it, I found a handbag too. I can cross my chest and swear, it was calling my name out sitting prettily on the shelves –

And these dresses. Oh my! I was on a roll.

Shopping is therapeutic but you have to admit it drains you out after some time. And then you need to recharge for the next round! What best than a cosy little chair in my favorite corner of the Barnes and Noble. And a coffee from Starbucks of course! Few flyaway words, weird conversations and Kafka on the Shore – a book I have planned to finish reading during my visits to the store!

What an exhausting yet refreshing day it has been! I should totally indulge more frequently, I thought. But oh, wait! I need to eat and pay my rent too, and the bills! So there it is! For this month at least!Love,

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