Shreddie, Steady, Go.

Posted on the 12 March 2011 by Luciferguson @Luciferguson
What is the ultimate problem with variety pack cereals? Obviously the size. It's not just children who enjoy the option of choice in the morning! But with a stroke of genius I combatted the issue this evening. The box of honey shreddies and the box of normal shreddies united to make one massive portion of cereal. At first I was excited with the prospect. Although when I was confronted with the bowlful I was a little daunted. Why did I think this was a good idea? Turns out, I thought it was a good idea because it was! However gigantic it looked, it was just the right size and killed my hunger for the evening. An impressive feat for a meal never mind a snack!
I realize that, so far, 2 thirds of this blog has been dedicated to food. It's showing me just what sort of things gets my mind rolling.  Anything edible.