Sick Day

Posted on the 07 February 2013 by Daralaine @daralaine

I woke up this morning ready to be productive and deliver you all a blog in a timely manner, followed by some light exercise and some…that’s basically it…. A Dr. Oz 3-day juice cleanse was also on the agenda, so that would have taken up some time and energy.  Basically, the day stood before me, full of endless opportunity and promise, until the weirdest thing happened: I just up and puked. I normally have an iron stomach unless I have a touch of alcohol poisoning, so this never happens. I felt fine, enjoying my Dr. Oz sanctioned green tea, until suddenly I was stricken ill.

It was so startling that I just decided to pack it in and call it a day. This is a reenactment:

Bonus that the juice cleanse was no longer necessary.

Hopefully, I’ll be back to doing pilates and living my life of no responsibility or steady employment by tomorrow.