Self Expression Magazine

Sights for Sore Eyes.

Posted on the 17 August 2011 by Jlynnspeaks @jlynnspeaks


[Calvary Church.  We've passed this incredible piece of architecture a couple times, but I want to stop and be in awe for a while.  It's huge! via.]

While we've been Charlotte residents for just over two weeks, I feel like the imaginary checklist of "things we HAVE to see" keeps getting longer and longer.  We had the joy of visiting one museum last weekend (seen here), but there is so much more at our fingertips, I just don't know how we will find the time to see it all!  Here's just a few of the Charlotte-unique venues that are ranking at the top of the list.


[The NC Music Factory. via, pre-edits.]


[Carowinds amusement park!!  You can see the coasters from the highway, and my inner child starts screaming.  via, pre-edits.]


[Festival in the Park.  It's supposed to be a weekend full of local music and artisans!  via, pre-edits.]


[South Park Mall.  Yes, a mall full of high-designer stores is on my list.  I cannot wait to sink my teeth into it.  via, pre-edits.]

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