Sightseeing Sundays: San Marino

Posted on the 07 August 2011 by Shawndrarussell

I want to start marveling at vacation destinations around the world, including those that I have personally visited and those that I plan to venture to one day. San Marino falls in the first category, and I love this picture because it shows the sheer height of the mountain and the tiny town of San Marino at the top.
Just imagine living there, surrounded by so much beauty and in some ways, terror. It is slightly terrifying to drive around and around to reach the top. Scary to be in a somewhat remote location. And definitely scary thinking about falling off the cliff.
Yet, I think that the scary aspects make this place all the more beautiful. Just look at those views! It makes me want to go back and look out, writing poetry all day (and I am not a poetry writer).
It also makes me feel tiny in a way, perhaps because San Marino is so tiny yet still holds so much. Just like each of us.
Picture: Courtesy of