Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

Posted on the 20 November 2012 by Msadams @HilaryFerrell

I was so excited for this week to come. I had planned to spend the entire weekend experimenting on Thanksgiving recipes to share with you guys.  But you know what the say about the best laid plans.

After many months of searching and an entire day of touring houses, we finally found a house that we wanted to buy.  So instead of spending my days in the kitchen covered in flour, I sat with Mr. A on our couch crunching numbers, reading contracts, and signing our life away.

I thought I would be more excited but I’ve spent the last three days with a perpetual stomachache (in related news, buying a house is a great way to lose those pesky extra 10 pounds).  I think I’m more nervous about buying a house than I was about getting married.  Money has always scared me and boy are houses big commitments (my brothers to this day making a creaky noise when I open my wallet to pay for things and pretend to blow away the dust–what can I say, I’m a discriminating buyer).

After showing my parents the house and getting their approval, we submitted our offer Sunday only to find out yesterday that multiple offers were submitted for the house.  Cue our heart break.  So after a lot of discussion, we decided to make our offer a little more competitive but still affordable (trying to remember that we are playing with real money here).

Needless to say, my appetite hasn’t returned and my nerves are on high alert. But I keep telling myself that I have to trust that whatever God has planned for us He will see that it happens.  So if it ends up that we don’t get this house, it’s was a part of His plan all along–even if it’s hard for us to see or agree with it now.

So as we bite our nails and hold on to the edge of our seats, we could definitely use your prayers, good vibes, and crossed fingers.  No matter what the outcome, I pray that we listen to the wisdom He has provided us and that we follow the path that He is calling us down.