Signed Sealed Delivered, I’m Yours, #999

Posted on the 24 June 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Hell has frozen over!  Yep…it’s true!  This is the second summer my daughter has gone away to overnight summer camp.  Last summer, there was no correspondence from her whatsoever.  I actually emailed the camp director at one point when I saw a photo of her with a frown on her face in the background of a picture on the camp website.  I was so worried, and of course, everything was fine.

This summer, she is smiling brightly for all of the photos.  I have been less worried, but nonetheless, a miracle happened yesterday.  I received two postcards in the mailbox from camp!

A letter from our girl:

For those of you who can’t read her handwriting or decipher the spelling, it says:  Dear Mom & Dad – Happy Shabbat.  I miss you very much.  (I’m correcting the spelling)  Thanks for the package.  Uncle Stan has my loom, and I want it.  Please call him.  Love, Haley”

Ha!!!  She wants her Rainbow Loom that she left in his car on drop off day.  Sorry sweetheart, you’ll have to wait for it until we see you on Sunday, but thanks for the postcard!!!

A letter from her counselors:

You can only imagine how a Mom would feel hearing these words.  I love what they said about our girl!  Oh, this little tiny note means so much to me!

Thank you, Camp JCA Shalom, for realizing how much parents need to hear from their kiddos.  Two weeks is a long time to have no communication.  These two small notes have filled my cup!  I’ll make it to Sunday – the day when we pick her up.

Hallelujah for the United Postal Service.  That is why my song of the day is Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I’m Yours,” because there’s nothing better than getting mail.  Email’s cool, but snail mail is still the best invention ever.