
Posted on the 03 May 2013 by Alka Narula @narulaalka
  Pain is a strange experience that most of us go through at some point of time in our lives and all of us have different ways to express it. Some of us express it through eyes , some of us through silence and some of us through words .....

I seek freedom
Freedom from qualms
The silence too has begun to speak for me

I can feel the agony
The pain has begun to overpower me
I am under siege

Shattered ,
I am back in your arms
With none but my shadow beside me

My breath is no more strong
The calm
Has become my companion for life it seems

My eyes 
Have become warm 
In struggle to fight my tears that refuse to recede

I seek no reason 
Nor wish to know what is wrong
But relief from my breathing heart that has begun to hurt me 

My mind is no more muddled
But waits for you to kill my curiosities 
They have become my enemies

Speak to me " Oh you holy calm "
Its time to walk me through the silence with your arms around me
To thy world where no eyes can follow me 
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