Diaries Magazine

Silver Lining and a Moving update...FINALLY!

Posted on the 27 June 2013 by Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
Silver lining and a moving update...FINALLY!
I'm sure you're all sick of me freaking out by now but hey, not knowing if I'm moving, when I'm moving, and where I'm moving are extremely stressful things to think about! 
Well finally, after MONTHS of waiting, we found out the answer to one of our questions... the when! After two and a half years at Fort Drum, we will finally be moving and starting a new adventure elsewhere! We have yet to receive orders on where we will be going but hey, at least I don't have to worry about hurrying back to NY from my OH vacation and packing, cleaning, and moving within 3 weeks time frame. 
Z will be heading to school and I will be staying in Ohio at my parents house/setting up camp at our new location once we receive word on where that is. The reason I've been so stressed about this is mostly due to the fact that I'll be 36 weeks pregnant when Zach graduates school...which means no flying, not knowing who my doctor will be and where I will be delivering this baby. However, it all worked out last time when Z made it home from Afghanistan for Bubba's birth and I trust in a higher power that it will all work out again this time. 

Silver lining and a moving update...FINALLY!

Seeing my belly for the first time when he returned from Afghanistan for R&R

Because he is going to school when he is, he will be missing my cousin's wedding and I'll be a lot further along when we go to move. However, this alleviates the stress of having to rush back and pack up the house ASAP, he will make it to my gender scan at 20 weeks (which he missed last time), and I'll be home for Christmas again this year. 
The silver lining in all of this? Had he not switched jobs and been going to school, he would be deploying come August. THANK GOD this isn't the case and although another deployment is a possibility down the road, switching to the job he is will be better for him and our family should that ever arise. 
So stay tuned for details on where we are headed next... we hope to hear SOON!
Silver lining and a moving update...FINALLY!
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