Simple Joy That Makes Me Come Alive

Posted on the 08 January 2012 by Irene9583 @irene9583

“I was just pursuing what I enjoyed doing. I mean, I was pursuing my passion.” – Pierre Omidyar
This post was inspired by my friend and fellow blogger Corinne, who gave a very insightful comment on my post yesterday. :-)
Allow me to become dramatic again today, will you?
I used to have blogs before…During the advent of livejournal… and then multiply.But I don’t consider them much as blogs…Rather, I saw them more as online diaries…More of a documentation of my life’s events…More of storytelling…And not much reflecting.Plus, I was really afraid to divulge information to random people on the web…Or maybe I was more afraid of people who knew me personally reading my posts…And seeing my vulnerable side.And then making judgments out of what they have read…So I wasn’t really consistent.Eventually, these blogs came to a demise.
And then…In 2010…Depression (and anxiety) took its (their) toll on me.That illness distorted my way of thinking…Feeding me with thoughts that my life no longer has meaning…And that I was all alone…Because no one truly understood what it was like…To be in my shoes.So my only friend was this notebook I called my journal…And to make myself feel better…Read a lot of self-improvement blogs I stumbled upon in cyberspace…
And then, like a click, something came to my mind…Why not blog??Because those bloggers made me feel inspired.And, just like them, I knew I had a story to share…With lessons to learn.And to make those who are going through the same thing not to feel alone.Plus, I knew it would be therapeutic for me.And would fulfill this certain need at the very core of my being…That which when fulfilled, would show me a tinge of hope…This desperate need of increasing my feeling of self-worth.So I started this blog December 2010.Soft Voice Of A Free Spirit was its very first blog title.And they say the rest is history.
But guess what?I really enjoy blogging…It excites me... triggers that adrenaline rush… makes me come alive.And knowing that I am able to finish and then publish another post makes my day…Giving me that much-needed sense of accomplishment.And when someone tells me that I inspired them…I feel like I was able to contribute something to the world…Even if it’s as small as the message of my post/s.
Yes…This simple joy called blogging…It grew to become a passion…
And it gives me a sense of purpose.