Diaries Magazine

Single Digits

Posted on the 03 October 2013 by Klnelms @klanelms
Well, folks.  I'm still alive I promise but I've been very busy with all the last minute wedding things that have to get done.  But when I woke up this morning, I was in single digits.  We have 9 days until the wedding and I couldn't be more excited/blessed feeling. 
However, with that said, I do have a lot more things to get done/packed/bought before the big day so I wanted to touch base with my readers (if I have any left still!) and let you know that I'm going to be MIA for awhile.  When I return, I'll be a married woman with lots of stories to tell!
This is just a big shout out to all you ladies who have stood there beside me and listened to me from the beginning of Brian and I's relationship all the way through this crazy wedding countdown.   It means more than you know and I wish I could bring you all in for my little wedding!
I really couldn't sit here and tell you a date I will be "back" so I won't do that.  But I do know it will be sometime the week of the 21st after we are back from our honeymoon. 
Do I feel badly about becoming a stranger in the blogging world? Yes.  But do I regret doing it for the sake of soaking in every single minute of my marriage and honeymoon? No.  These are the things my life is about right now.  These are the things I'll be back to share.
Love you all and can't wait to share my stories and pictures with you!  Until Next Time!
Single Digits

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