Sitting in on the Once Upon a Time Panel at #D23Expo

Posted on the 19 August 2015 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines

Disclosure: I attended the D23Expo as a Media Member.  This is my story.  All opinions are my own.

Of all the panels taking place at the D23 Expo over this past weekend, there was ONE that I absolutely had to attend.  The Once Upon a Time Panel with guests Lana Parrilla, and Ginnifer Goodwin.  As a HUGE HUGE fan of the show, it was truly a highlight of the Expo for me.  But the best part? Sharing the experience with so many other amazing fans of the show.

I mean, a show I’ve been watching for the last several years, but the opportunity to hear 2 of my favorite actresses also speak about the show, what’s not to love, right?  To think, it was EXACTLY 5 years ago, when the show was first introduced to the amazing D23 Fans, in 2011, right before the first season premiere. This year will mark its 5th Season, along with its 100 Episode airing.


The panel, hosted by D23’s own Jeffrey Epstein, started out with a “Behind the Magic” tour on set of Once Upon a Time, hosted by Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas, a comical 5 minute video, that will be showcased on the Season 4 DVD.

After the video, Epstein introduced the shows creators/producers, Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis to the stage.  Epstein started off with a few questions for them, and as they played coy in not giving too many details away, the questions turned into a game of Yes, No, Maybe of favorite characters WHO may just return to this year’s season.  Of course, the creators kept it cool with answering Maybe to ALL of the questions.


And, on that note, Epstein, turned his attention to bringing out the Stars of the show: Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White) and Lana Parrilla (Evil Queen) to the stage. Earlier in the day, the stars, were signing autographs on their exclusive Snow White and Evil Queen Dolls that were released at the D23 Expo.


Lana Parrilla and Ginnifer Goodwin

Two characters, who have had many ups and downs throughout the show, but of course, on stage, their relationship couldn’t be any more different.  And their relationship, on the show, took front and center stage, as they talked in depth about their characters, and so much more including Lana’s favorite, all time line, “”I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do.” in her best Evil Queen voice ever.  Who knew, that the moment she auditioned, was the moment the creators instantly knew she was the one, as they quivered on the inside after hearing her lines.

Of course, the panel wouldn’t be complete without one surprise thrown in.  As, Epstein, opened up questions to the audience, one question thrown out to Ginnifer Goodwin, “Who is your favorite character besides Snow White?”  And as she answered: Rumplestiltskin, the audience member went into a rampage unveiling: Josh Dallas (Prince Charming).

He soon joined the crowd up on stage, and the fun truly began as everyone talked about Once Upon a Time and what’s to come in the season ahead.

A few highlights in Season 5 to look forward to:

Introduction of Merida from Brave

Emma Swan has become the Dark One, what does it all mean?

They’re off to Camelot!

The official Season 5 Begins on Sunday, September 27 and the official Season 4 has come out on DVD this week.

The best part of the panel was seeing how the cast and creators all interacted together.  A true test of how WELL a cast and crew work together.  Now it only makes me wish to spend a day on set with them all.

Who will be watching this Season, and let me know who your favorite Once Upon a Time Character is below!