Diaries Magazine


Posted on the 03 June 2018 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
And so she is six. My beautiful baby girl turned six this weekend and to say I haven't been emotional would be a lie. I don't know if it's because this year has been a hard one or because six just seems really old, but there have been a few moments where little tears have been shed.
At six years old Darcie is the most hilarious little girl. Full of sass and confidence, though takes things to heart, she is a sensitive soul. She loves to perform and immerse herself in role play, she takes pride in her drawing and is always looking to me on how she can improve (which being an art teacher, I love). She wants to make use proud and always tries hard, she's a determined runner, a budding dancer and has seemingly recently fallen in love with hockey.
Looking back over her six years and can't help but feel proud. Motherhood/parenting does not come easily to me - I constantly doubt myself and abilities but when I look at her beaming back at me, I know that despite my own worries and self-doubts we've done a good job.
This year Darcie asked for a party and so we decided on a trip to Norwich, bowling and food with four of her friends. We did get a few looks when we had five girls and a little bewildered Henry when we hopped off the train, even a few "good luck!" comments But in all honesty, they were all brilliant and Jamie and I gave ourselves a little high five at the end of the day! We survived!
Happy Birthday My love.
K Elizabeth xoxox

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