Self Expression Magazine

Skin Problems a Go Go

Posted on the 13 October 2012 by Littlemissliza @littlemissliza
Well..... to say I have had enough of my problem skin is an understatement. I have now gone back to my doctors to ask for help. My poor face is suffering terribly with my acne spots. I have been in so much pain again it is ridiculous. So after managing to beg for an appointment with the receptionist at the doctors I have been seen! The result of this appointment..."let's put you back on antibiotics". Oh yes fabulous..let's! I can then be on them for 4 months again and still have spots and scares! I am so fed up with it. The doc asks due if I suffered from acne is a teenager... yes I did... I was put on the devil drug Roaccutane for a year. His reply was"oh because most people suffer from acne either as a teenager or as an adult, but not both"...oh really? Well that is I get to suffer from it during both stages of my life. "It's just your hormones, there's nothing you can do about it". Fab. "Cheers doc! May I just compliment you on how smooth and scar free your face is...what a lovely complexion you have" So while I go and pay for my prescription of drugs that will only help with the pain of the inflammation.. I will go and sit in a dark room and feel sorry for myself!

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