Towards the glorious realm
Deafened by a foray of silence
I move tight lipped
In a cloud of mist
Can't hear the Chimes or Adhan
All that I see is us in an identical shade
And some one behind the cloud
Roared right now
Let me share what he had to say
"Welcome to my sphere
Now you don't need to fear
All those gory slaves
Lured by greed and power
Their rise will fade
When I decide to erase
Their distinctiveness
When they will either be
Render to flames
Or made to lie
Buried in the ground
When they will be in no state
To feel the hunger for power
To utter an order
When they will have no face
Nor shall they be remembered with grace
The world shall celebrate
When they become extinct
And enter my terrain
Bleed through their eyes
To watch their peers in pain
But will have no say"
"Admire the beauty of my power
Your memories fade
Until few births you take
And come out chaste
From your terrain
And rise above materialistic powers
And come to known as my child
Until then its a fight for you
For an embrace
You can not escape
Seven cycles of life
Those were made
For you to shine like a paragon
A gem that I would treasure "
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