Diaries Magazine

Sleepiness Made Me Do It!

Posted on the 12 March 2014 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
I always thought that a daylight savings “hangover” was nothing short of people making excuses for their regular tiredness, possible laziness or their aversion to change. This week daylight saving has kicked my trash. I think... maybe I would have been this tired last week, who knows?
Sleepiness made me do it!(via)
This week I have had a ridiculously hard time sleeping. I can’t fall asleep and then throughout the night I have been constantly waking up. I’m not sure what my deal is. The excuse I’m using is daylight savings. Sunday night I slept terrible. All day at work on Monday I had a horrible headache and when the time came to head home, I was so relieved to relax and let my body and mind catch up. Then Monday night came and went. My sleeping was just as miserable as the night before.
I’m not happy to admit this, but around 3am on Monday morning, I woke up to Shia sneezing. That sounds ridiculous, I know, but she puts her giant paws right next to my face and stretches so it pulls my head toward her, then she puts her face right next to mine and AHCHOO, she sneezes. Shia doesn’t do this unless she wants something. Sneezing is like her weird way of pouting. She wanted to go outside, she’s THREE! She doesn’t wake up for potty breaks anymore, not for the past 2 years. I know she was antsy and she did not need to go outside.
Here is the shameful part… Do you know what I did? I got out of bed, towered over her, and yelled NO! I also pushed her. Like a child. I pushed my dog. Me screaming NO woke up Jared and startled Indie. Shia was ashamed and quivered to her bed. I felt like my bullying worked, so I laid back in bed and started to tear up, because I knew it was going to be another sleepless day at the office. Have I mentioned I get really emotionally unstable when I don’t sleep? After my tears made their way down my cheeks and into my pillow, I laid there for the next 2 hours. I barely had fallen asleep before my alarm went off.
I spent most of my day yesterday doing the same as the day before, trying to keep my eyes open. I got home from work and tried to take a nap, but couldn’t. When 11:30pm rolled around and I could feel the same antsy-ness set in as the prior 2 nights I knew I was taking no chances. I did a few breathing exercises to help relax me and due to my impatience 3 minutes after I did the exercise, I expected to be asleep. I wasn’t so I popped 1/2 xanax and I slept like a bulldog. I was sprawled out across the bed, my tongue was out and I had drool pooled in the corner of my mouth. It would have taken a crane (or Jared) to move me to my own side of the bed.
I slept all the way through the night. Shia probably sneezed I feel refreshed and ready to start this week. Yes, I know it’s Wednesday, but better late than never, right?
What are some of your tricks for falling asleep when you just can’t?

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