Posted on the 03 December 2015 by Petronela Ungureanu
Mommy can get no sleep. It's been nine months and 13 days since I haven't been blessed with more than a 2 hour uninterrupted sleep...Maybe 3. On a very lucky day. He is generally a good kid, but when, oh, dear Lord, when it comes to sleeping, he becomes a little tyrant. It's like, he has an aversion to sleeping, he cries and kicks and screams, pulls your hair, scratches your face, practically fights you with all his strength just to escape sleeping.
We've tried so many tricks...Both me and my husband, we've become experts in singing baby songs, on various tones. sometimes loud and cheery, sometimes like a soft whisper. Most of the times it takes us at least 40 minutes to make him sleep, my back is aching, my arms turn numb, not to mention, if it's after midnight, I can barely keep my eyes open. Yes, it's hard. And I have no close relative available to help me. It's hard. Yet, in spite of it all, I find the most sublime joy in every minute of it. I must confess, I was never aware that I could love like this.