It's no secret that I've been a little, well, busy.
This whole week I've basically either been at work or in rehearsal. And I've only gotten about five hours of sleep every night. So after five days of only five hours of sleep...you're a little, well, tired.
I love to be busy. I thrive on being busy. On Thursday night in rehearsal, I was bouncing around and dancing and such backstage even though I'd only gotten 5 hours of sleep the night before. One of my cast mates looked at me and said, "How on earth do you have this much energy? I feel like I'm ready to fall over." I wasn't really sure how to answer him. I was just excited. I think the audition on Tuesday weirdly gave me an extra boost of energy because I've just missed musical theater so much and it felt amazing to be back in it.
I don't know if I got cast in that show yet. I won't know for another couple of weeks, but if I do get cast, before this show is even done, I'll begin to rehearse for about three and a half hours two or three nights a week and up to six hours on Saturday. And I'll keep doing that (with rehearsal times slowly increasing) until almost the end of April.
I love it. I thrive on activity and rushing to and fro. I love to have multiple different things written down in my planner (and yes, they're all color coded), but I can only do it for so long before I start to crash. By the time I got home from work yesterday, I was ready to drop. All I wanted to do was sit on my couch and not move.
So this morning, I took it slow. I slept in. I made some blueberry muffins and spent some time just sitting on the couch watching a little bit of TV before I showered and headed off to a 4 1/2 hour rehearsal.
And since Monday is a holiday, I'm taking time then to just relax and chill out. To slow down. The only thing officially on the schedule is a massage with my roommate. I'm taking advantage of the time where I have nothing on my schedule to sleep, to rest, to enjoy the time of quiet and calm and stillness (especially before the absurdity of tech week begins).
I said that one of my goals this year was to slow down, and so far it's been hit or miss because of rehearsal and all, but the Lord has been reminding me just how important stillness, quietness, and slowing down is for not only my physical health but also my mental and spiritual health. And also how important it is to be intentional about taking time to relax, to breathe, to enjoy the beauty of the world that He created.
If I get cast in the other show, this is probably my last Saturday morning until the end of April I'll be able to do this — to just sit and be still, so I'm taking advantage of it.
Do you find yourself prone to busyness? Do you forget to take some time to slow down and breathe when life gets crazy? What are some ways you find to slow down in the midst of appointments, work, parties, and everything else that view for your attention?
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