Slowly Going Crazy.....

Posted on the 08 January 2013 by Kclark051 @classickc
I have been a little MIA this past week from my blog because it has been one HELL of a week. Not a whole lot has been going on because this momma has just been sooo exhausted and lazy this week. You may be asking or wondering why??. Well let me tell you! Our darlin' little girl who is normally just the most perfect girl has switched the tables on us this week. She has all of sudden turned into this hysterical, crying non-stop, following momma around EVERYWHERE (even the bathroom) type of baby.

I have no clue what and why this is happening. It all started last weekend, when we did our usual night time routine. We bathed her, fed her and she was out cold sleeping at 8:30. Then 9pm rolls around and this girl is wide awake just screaming till we come get her. She then proceeds to stay up between the hours of 12am-1am. In between then we try feeding her some more, rocking back and forth trying anything to get her to sleep BUT NOTHING. When she does finally fall asleep she is then back awake at 6am...awesome right??!!. We then begin our amazing day all over again with the following me everywhere I go. I always need to be holding her, or I have to always be on the floor when she is playing with her toys and I am never allowed to get up to even go sit on the couch lol. Even trying to get her to take her naps during the day is brutal and such a hard task to do. This process has been the same thing all day, everyday for this past week by the way.
To make matters even worse, the boyfriend sprained his wrist and is in so much pain he can hardly even pick her up, so I have had to be the one to do majority of everything at this moment while in the midst of her monster cries lol. I feel like I am seriously going crazy and out of my mind and I am sure the gray hairs will be  coming in soon.
The last two nights have seemed to be a little bit better and by bit I mean a really tiny fraction of what has been going on this week. She now seems to love crying in my ear while on my lap for about an hour and then will fall asleep in my arms.

I have been trying to rack my brain around what this could be and what is happening. I haven't felt any new teeth coming in, just the two front ones she has now. I thought maybe she was just getting hungry more often when she is awake so I started to feed her some oatmeal or fruit in the middle of the night and then a warm somewhat worked. My brother also said today that she seemed a little bigger then usual so maybe she was going though a massive growth spurt this week....who knows??!!. I do have her 9 month check-up with the doctor tomorrow so I will be for sure asking many, many questions, maybe I will find out something.
In the meantime I will continue to deal with my little monster angel child!. Even though as I type this she is sleeping and it is 10pm, so cross your fingers for me she will sleep through the night.
Anyone have any thoughts about this, or have gone through something like this, as I would LOVE to hear any ideas or helpful hints?.
Until Next Time XO