SMA Come & Wean With Us

Posted on the 29 October 2015 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Just the sight of the word can instill fear into the hearts of parents everywhere! I know, because that's exactly how I felt as a first time mom - milk was easy, what could really go wrong?! But introducing baby to the world of solid foods filled me with dread, and I spent many a sleepless night furiously googling tips & tricks on how to get started, what to do, what not to do - it all seemed so scary back then!
A few weeks ago, we started weaning with Noah and with more experience this time things didn't seem quite so frightening - we had an idea of what worked for us as parents  and it was all about how Noah would take to things.
One thing I remember having to really focus on as a first time mom was that weaning is all about discovering new tastes and textures - I would panic so much that my son wasn't getting enough solid food into him, that it was all ending up on the floor - but I had to learn that it didn't really matter at that early stage. It was all about trying things, discovering, learning and experimenting - his nutrition was still coming from his milk (During the first year babies diet should be supplemented with around 500-600 mls of milk each day) so he didn't need to fill up on solid foods right away.
When I was recently invited to take part in SMA's Come & Wean With Us campaign - which aims to help new and first time mums through the tricky stage of weaning - I immediately remembered all of those fears I had as a first time mom and I knew it was something I had to take part in.
Through a series of short and informative recipe videos hosted by one of my favorite celebrity mums Sheree Murphy , SMA will be guiding mums through each stage of weaning whilst highlighting the importance of the essential vitamins and minerals our babies need in their diets including Iron, Omega 3 and 6 and Vitamin D. Here is a little look at the first recipe I'll be trying out with Noah over the coming weeks. I love how simple and straightforward the recipe is to follow, and I think it looks like something that Noah is going to really enjoy. He's yet to try any strawberry so I'm really intrigued to see how he finds it, as it was actually something that his older brother was a little fussy with for quite a while! But of course all children are different and I'm excited to see what Noah thinks of it. I'll be back next month with my own video showing how Noah gets on with this recipe, and telling you all about how our weaning journey is going - and there may just be a very exciting competition lined up for you lovely readers too!
How was your weaning experience with your little one? As always I'd love to hear from you.

* In collaboration with SMA Nutrition. For details on how I work with brands take a look at my work with me page
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