Anna: You were trying to get Justin Timberlake’s attention on Twitter…I was trying to get David Spade’s. Sad?
Me: Spade’s on twitter?!?!??!?!
Anna: Hells yeah! I loves me that little man!
Me: I am SOOOOOO following!
Anna: I’ve always had a thing for him. In Grown Ups, he has his hair in this little pony tail that drives me nuts…MmmmMMM
Here are the tweets Anna sent Spade:
@davidspade about to watch your sexy a**! @DavidSpade Hmmm… I had no clue how accurate my last tweet was. That is a FINE a**!!!
Let it be noted that Anna is happily married
- Guys who wear glasses are more likely to secretly be superheros than guys who don’t: Spiderman…nuff said…
- Short can be convenient. I’m not saying all quirky, nerdy nice guys are short (and vice versa) but we’ve all seen the 5’6″-ish dude whose metabolism is about three times his height, resulting in an embarrassment over lack of bulk. No need to chug protein and pump iron shortcakes! As a petite woman myself, I enjoy being at eye level with my date and it spares me from having to wear 6 inch heels just to reach a good night kiss. Seth Green is a perfect example of a guy who exudes sex appeal along with adorable eccentricities at a slight 5’4″.
- Nice guys are interested in personality…not just your fine body: …which does look FANTASTIC by the way, but physical attraction can only take a relationship so far.
- If you’re into role-playing, he probably has Star Wars costumes available.
- If The Big Bang Theory has taught us anything, it’s that nerds both ROCK and are hilarious
- Nice guys are generous: In several ways…Nuff said
- You’re less likely to contract an STI: I have yet to find any journal articles with research confirming this statement, but let’s just assume I’m right. You’re certainly not going to find a nice, quirky nerd hosting an episode of The Pickup Artist or fist-pumping his way to a bout with the herp on an episode of Jersey Shore.
What am I missing on this list? Leave a comment! Also, click here to find out your “love style”.
P.S. The hot little number whose lap I am sitting on in the picture at the top of this post is my friend Tim. Tim is awesome. HI TIM!!!