Smart and Quirky Guys Are SEXY: Talk Nerdy to Me!

Posted on the 15 June 2011 by Traytrayblogblogs @traytraytweets

One of my best friends is attempting to seduce David Spade via twitter.  I became enlightened of this fact after an exchange between her and I on my facebook wall:

Anna: You were trying to get Justin Timberlake’s attention on Twitter…I was trying to get David Spade’s.  Sad?

Me:  Spade’s on twitter?!?!??!?!

Anna:  Hells yeah!  I loves me that little man!

Me:  I am SOOOOOO following!

Anna:  I’ve always had a thing for him.  In Grown Ups, he has his hair in this little pony tail that drives me nuts…MmmmMMM

Here are the tweets Anna sent Spade:

@davidspade about to watch your sexy a**! @DavidSpade Hmmm… I had no clue how accurate my last tweet was. That is a FINE a**!!!  

Let it be noted that Anna is happily married with two children and is not seriously intending to have an affair with one Mr. Spade.  However, her admission of ardor toward the short, snarky comedian (as well as a slew of compatibles, including Chris Kattan and this handsome devil who appears to be drinking out of a horn necklace) got me thinking about the type of men I gravitate towards when it comes to romance.  I favor intelligence over washboard abs, bashfulness over smooth talk and in the movie Fight Club I was drooling over Edward Norton instead of Brad Pitt.  What can I say?  The guy smoldered in all his pale, lanky glory.  Here are some benefits to dating a quirky, nerdy nice guy over a chiseled alpha male (no offense alpha males…but I’m sure you’re getting enough action to not mind this post):

  1. Guys who wear glasses are more likely to secretly be superheros than guys who don’t:  Spiderman…nuff said…
  2. Short can be convenient.  I’m not saying all quirky, nerdy nice guys are short (and vice versa) but we’ve all seen the 5’6″-ish dude whose metabolism is about three times his height, resulting in an embarrassment over lack of bulk.  No need to chug protein and pump iron shortcakes!  As a petite woman myself, I enjoy being at eye level with my date and it spares me from having to wear 6 inch heels just to reach a good night kiss.  Seth Green is a perfect example of a guy who exudes sex appeal along with adorable eccentricities at a slight 5’4″.
  3. Nice guys are interested in personality…not just your fine body: …which does look FANTASTIC by the way, but physical attraction can only take a relationship so far.
  4. If you’re into role-playing, he probably has Star Wars costumes available.
  5. If The Big Bang Theory has taught us anything, it’s that nerds both ROCK and are hilarious
  6. Nice guys are generous:  In several ways…Nuff said
  7. You’re less likely to contract an STI:  I have yet to find any journal articles with research confirming this statement, but let’s just assume I’m right.  You’re certainly not going to find a nice, quirky nerd hosting an episode of The Pickup Artist or fist-pumping his way to a bout with the herp on an episode of Jersey Shore.

What am I missing on this list?  Leave a comment!  Also, click here to find out your “love style”.

P.S. The hot little number whose lap I am sitting on in the picture at the top of this post is my friend Tim.  Tim is awesome.  HI TIM!!!