Smelling the Roses

Posted on the 04 November 2012 by Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer


Running a household can be a bloody hard job, can’t it? Always it seems there is so much that needs to be seen to, should be getting done and should have already been sorted. Throw some other things into the equation like kids, pets, partners with ‘unusual’ work schedules and some outside of the home employment and you have all the ingredients for being very busy indeed.

When you know you need to, it is OK to give yourself permission to down tools (mops, brooms, saucepans etc) and just take some time out.

For you!

You know, smelling the roses and all that!

I promise you that

….. no family has ever been harmed by scrambled eggs or baked beans on toast for dinner
….. it is perfectly ok to leave washing on the line overnight – it really doesn’t go anywhere
….. children who go to bed without a bath will still wake up in the morning, and it’s ok to bath them then
….. crawling into an unmade bed does not constitute destitute
….. all things will be easier once you’ve taken some good care of yourself. You deserve it!

So, what time have you taken to smell the roses lately?

photo credit: rottnapples via photopin cc