Indian Pond heron in breeding plumage: To me, this bird is a symbol of elegance. A bird which often camouflages in the bushes, a sudden flash of White followed by a majestic swoop into the pond shows its nature of doing the simplest of tasks in style....
Stork Billed Kingfisher: Small, agile and colorful, one can easily be fooled by its efficient hunting method...The pic was taken before it caught a large crab from the pond... The bird teaches us that when it comes down to doing your business, size, shape doesn't matter....
Black backed wagtail- Shades of black and white and a little wag of the tail makes Mr. Swift an amazing creature... Taking this pic required a lot of patience. The bird gives me a sense of joy as it wanders about frolicking from tree to tree with short little chirps...
Wet beach at Tajpur - Taken after the sea retreated during low-tide, one can see the beauty nature beholds at every level... Can be easily mistaken for a Dairy Milk Silk Choco-bar, but this is proof that there is grand-er ARTIST up there somewhere...
Sunset @ Tajpur - It's the time of the day when the Sun signs off after its duty... And HE does that in style.. Beautiful sunsets end beautiful days... and promises beautiful tomorrows... Teaches us that even we can make each day extraodrinary by ending the day on a high note...