Snapshots of Bethesda

Posted on the 15 July 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling

As you might have figured out from yesterday’s Sunday Currently, I spent last weekend hanging out in Washington D.C. I was able to catch up with some friends in Georgetown for coffee, talk to former research partners from my grad school days about a potential project, have a great dinner and catch-up time with my awesome aunt, get my camera out for the first time in ages and get some snapshots of the area {the ones here are just some of my favorites}, and catch up with the fabulous Betsy of Betsy Transatlantically!

Betsy is one of my favorite bloggers, not just for her stories of travel and adventure, but because she’s not afraid to engage tough subjects and she’s provided me with a ton of inspiration for both blogging and things to think about! She’s as engaging in person as she is on her blog – but watch out, all her stories of her lab Charlie will make you want to get your own bunde of love at Lab Rescue. Seriously, if we weren’t headed to Hawaii and weren’t already dealing with getting the cats through quarantine…Anyway, I had a great time chatting with her over brunch, and I have to say, if you’re ever in Bethesda, I totally recommend this place.

I was good this time around {if you count the pile of bacon I ate as good, that is}, but next time, diets be damned, I’m going for the full-on brunch buffet!

Even though it’s a Monday, I’m excited, because this is week five of my six-week course and I’m just one step closer to seeing my husband again and heading west on the rest of our grand moving adventure. Still, as much as I hope the time goes quickly, I really feel like I’m making the most of every day, so I definitely don’t want to wish it away!

Hoping your week is off to a great start!