Self Expression Magazine

Snot and Tantrum Stories of The Frightening Kind

Posted on the 26 April 2013 by Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28

Snot and Tantrum Stories of The Frightening Kind Source
I didn't have much to write for FFS Friday today. Only that we are all sick. Once again. FFS
The baby was down with an ear infection only about 3 weeks ago and we were all down with a bad cold. We recovered, only to be struck down once again this week. Yes, all of us. FFS
The baby recently learned where her nose is and would point to her nose when asked.
However, given all the recent illness drama and a whole lotta nose-blowing, everytime you say "nose" now, she puts her finger on one little nostril and tries to blow out the other. That's "nose" to her now. Very great. FFS
Karma is a real bitch. When Husband & I were younger, dumber and very much more judgemental, we used to look at naughty kids at the mall and say to ourselves "Man, if I were his/her parents, I wouldn't let him/her get away with tantrums like that!"
Our Ally is a very good girl. Besides a couple of episodes here and there through the years, she has never really chucked bad tantrums. We used to say to ourselves, "Lucky our Ally doesn't do stuff like that." and shake our heads at naughty kids.
Well, nobody told us that if one child is good, there is no guarantee the second one is too! FFS
I am not looking forward to the Terrible Twos for the baby because she already chucks bad tantrums at grand old age of one. FFS
Anytime you say No, she gives you a shocked look, cries and walks off quickly, only stopping when she bumps into whatever object in her way (table, chair, wall). She then proceeds to hug it and lament the end of the world. FFS
In the last week, she has upp-ed her game. FFS
Now, anytime you say No, she immediately cries, lays on the ground and rolls around. FFS
It is unfortunate that said kid does not distinguish between grounds. She does the same whether it's the clean ground at home, or ground in the busy mall, or muddy ground in the park. FFS
I have no idea what to do. FFS
Karma is a real bitch. I get that. FFS
Joining in the ranty pants party at
Have a great weekend everyone! x

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