Self Expression Magazine

Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos

Posted on the 25 March 2013 by Sara Maurer @smaurer18
Gah, where did all of this snow come from?  I can't stand it....not to mention I was in stand-still traffic for over an hour this morning.  A semi had jack-knifed across both southbound lanes on the interstate, so we had nothing to do but wait for that to be fixed.  The same exact thing happened in about the same spot on the northbound lanes, so those folks were in the same waiting game we were.  Fun fun.  I just sat back, ate my breakfast (seriously, where has Greek yogurt been all my life?!) and watched the crazies graze about the stopped vehicles.  I saw two interesting things in particular:
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosOne guy decided to hop out of his vehicle with his backpack on, and take a hike up the northbound lanes.  It was weird....I still don't understand why he did that.Then, not much later, I saw a girl with nothing but a tight shirt and sweatpants on, burst out of her vehicle, run down into the ditch, bury an unknown object (guesses on what it was, anyone?) and then run back up to her vehicle.  Sorry, I didn't get a picture of that nonsense!
So, that's how this day has gone, but this weekend was a pretty good one.  I had a meeting with a client for a 2014 wedding (we booked it! yay!) and we attempted a session with Ryder for some Easter pictures.  He is so stubborn...I only got a whopping two pictures that I would print. 
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosThis is the face I usually get when I point the camera in his direction.
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosHe's getting so big.  It makes me sad. :-(
We decided to make a quick trip to Bloomington, but Ryder was so tired and grouchy, we came home sooner than expected.  He was in a much better mood when we got home, so I decided to get my camera out and take some pictures of my boys. :-) 
Also, you'll notice all of my pictures now have a watermark embedded.  Lately, I've been hearing of awful things happening to pictures of families/little ones on blogs, so I made the decision to jump onboard with the watermarking.  It's easy, so why not?
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosThese boys love yo-yos!
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosRyder is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I can sing the intro song, the toodles song, and the hot dog song by memory.  Sad, huh?
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosLove them. :-)
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-Yos
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosOh yeah, remember when Tanner was small?
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosNot so much anymore!
Sunday, Ryder was in such a good mood, I decided to get my camera out again for more random pics. :-)  I don't do this nearly enough.
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosHis expressions were cracking me up!
Snow, Crazies, and Yo-YosI have a slight obsession with his long eyelashes.  Love them! :-)
Happy Monday, peeps. I hope you enjoyed this picture overload, and I hope your travel endeavors were much better than mine today. ;-)

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