Diaries Magazine

Snow Fun

Posted on the 12 October 2012 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog
Snow Bunnies

Snow Bunnies

Today we had the heaviest snow in over 10 years some have said. I have lived in Katoomba for over 10 years now and have not had this happen so it must be right. It was a magical day. Kids loved it, played outside and had their first chance to build a snowman. I have seen another snowman around the corner from our house so kids must have been busy building snowmen everywhere.

Check out a video of the snow falling.

It was great that the twins got the opportunity to play in snow and experience it. The joy on the girls faces was priceless and a joy to see. It is a pity that hubby was stuck at work and missed this experience with the kids and for himself. We have been waiting to the day it snows and it covers everything. It did and he was at work. The only negative is that the roads were closed and he might not have been able to come home, although they have just reopened so I hope he is able to get home safely. On the mountain we have one road in and one road out, so if they are closed, not much you can do about that. Wait or visit a friend/relative I suppose.

Lillian's Snow Angel

Lillian’s Snow Angel

Check out some of the fun that we had today. The girls did snow angels and had a blast. Both girls as I mentioned before desperately wanted to build a snowman and we did. The snow was so deep that we had enough to throw snow balls, and build things. How wonderful to finally tell them they can build a snowman, the last time it snowed it just melted and it did not last so no snowman to build then.

The girls first snowman

The girls first snowman

Our Street

Our Street



Snowy Clothes LIne

Snowy Clothes LIne

Mummy and the girls in the snow

Mummy and the girls in the snow

Has the weather been strange where you are? It has today, it is Spring and we had all this snow and it is so cold as you can imagine. Send in your stories and comments to the blog, or continue the discussion on our twitter or facebook pages. For more pictures go to the link on the blog and click the photo link. Enjoy.

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