Sodom, Gomorrah and Chic-fil-a

Posted on the 11 August 2012 by Ldsapologetics
Consideration Before Condemnation For those that thump the Bible as the end all-be all, remember that the modern translation came from a much older book (and was not always translated correctly):
"The Hebrew Prophet, Ezekiel, who wrote his writings much closer to the writing down of this Torah story, actually addresses directly the question of what the sin of the people of Sodom was.
He writes in his chapter 16:
48 As I live—declares the Lord GOD—your sister Sodom and her daughters did not do what you and your daughters did. 49 Only this was the sin of your sister Sodom: arrogance! She and her daughters had plenty of bread and untroubled tranquility; yet she did not support the poor and the needy.
The Hebrew word “Sodom” (סודם) is etymologically related to the Hebrew word (שדה), “fertile field.” The implication is that Sodom was a fertile farming area, good for grazing animals. The Hebrew word “Gomorrah” (עמורה) derives etymologically from the word (עומר) meaning “sheaf of grain.” By using these names for these cities, the writer is implying that the area of Sodom and Gomorrah was good for the growing of grains like, wheat, barley, oats, rye, etc. This is also why the Prophet Ezekiel states: “She and her daughters had plenty of bread and untroubled tranquility.” So, what then were the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah?
The sins of Sodom were - social injustice, waste, over-indulgence, and insolence.
A Sodomite is described here as being a person who accepts no responsibility for the poor in his community. He owes them nothing.
Thus we see that the sins of Sodom were the failure to provide for the homeless, the hungry, and the poor - AGAIN, "social injustice, waste, over-indulgence, and insolence." These were the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah, not its sexuality (or sexual indulgence.) It is THESE sins that should rightly be labeled as SODOMY." -- Rabbi Gershon Steinberg-Caudill,
Just something to think about.

Hundreds of thousands of people showed up to chic-fil-a appreciation day.I’m sure that was far greater than the number of Christians who patronized homeless shelters, food pantries and subsidized school lunch programs to help the poor, which is something Jesus actually said to do.I find it unbelievable that so many Christians claim that this issue will be the end of civilization.If it were then I’m sure Jesus would have addressed it.
However he did not, if any one of the 4 Gospels or in 3rd Nephi.And just about every Christian get the sin of Sodom wrong as well as quoting other sections of the Bible like ‎"as Sodom and Gomorrah … going after strange flesh," Jude 1:7Which by the way is an incomplete scripture that also ignores the proof that the sin of Sodom is not what so many think it was.A lot of people wither when you take away their biggest talking points on this issue.Well, here comes another disarming moment, there is doubt that Leviticus even truly condemns homosexuality at all.Check out this linkwherein several Rabbi's, Theologians and such discuss the matter.
Now that’s food for thought but I believe we are still operating with limited knowledge as to this subject.Many cite the Family Proclamation as proof that since we have that divine revelation we have total knowledge that homosexuality is wrong and condemnable.But since when did every utterance of a General Authority become Divine Revelation?The Proclamation of the Family was a statement of belief, not a revelation, there is an important distinction and that is the Lord our God did not instruct that every letter of that proclamation be penned as it was.It was not the word of God, it is the word of men.
Big difference.
Now that doesn’t not mean that those men were or are wrong, it’s just the perspective and the traditionalism with which they were raised.Much in the same way the curse of Cain doctrine, which was also not a matter of revelation or scriptural truth was also taught and practiced as if it were for generations in our church.
Speaking as a member with homosexuals in his family and in his close circle of friends, I have spent years discussing the matter with people, the only people qualified to speak to this issue because they are the only ones who can, the only ones who have the background necessary to relate, and they never had a choice as to who they are attracted to.Through personal experience I am saying that there would not be any gay people if God did not make them.My personal experience is all I have to trust since scripture can be interpreted in so many ways.
But whether or not gay people are born that way, or whether they choose it, one thing that is truly indisputable is that Jesus equates hate to murder and forbids us to judge one another.He calls us to love our neighbors, even our enemies as ourselves.When given the chance to condemn a sinner Jesus said “He who is without sin may cast the first stone.”And only Jesus and God have complete knowledge of anyone of us which is why only they are fit to judge, and rather than divine retribution Jesus gave us at great personal expense and pain to himself, the atonement.
Forgiveness for all who seek to love and be loved unconditionally, for he said you shall know my disciples by their love.He did not specify a certain prayer or practice, a certain language or region, all he specified was their love for their brothers and sisters, that’s all.
And I think one of the reasons Jesus never broached the subject of homosexuality is the same reason he avoided many issues seen as sinful and immoral.Rather than getting bogged down in legal debates as to all the ways we get life wrong, Jesus called us to the righteous path.And the scriptures are to be studied for a lifetime if not longer because it’s not just an instrument of faith; it’s an instrument of navigation.They are not, nor were they ever intended to be used as justification for the judgment or mistreatment of others.
By supporting chic-fil-a and tweeting, facebooking and youtubing photos and video of yourself eating their food you are supporting inequality.You don’t vote on rights, that’s why they’re called rights!During The Biblical epoch there was no such notion of civil marriage it was solely religious.And no gay marriage law seeks to persuade much less force any religious institution to perform gay marriages if they choose not to.Supporting gay marriage is to support equality; to support the opposition to gay marriage is to support inequality.
If God himself allows all his children their free agency, who are you to deny it to them?