Creativity Magazine

Somebody's Wife

Posted on the 27 April 2013 by Petronela Ungureanu @unikornaa
Somebody's Wife My mother constantly reminds me that I am supposed to...eventually get married. It is most insufferable. I have been promising her and the rest of my family and friends that I would conform ...eventually...but I never seem to bring myself to do it. I am missing the bride gene :). Last year I was bragging about how determined I was to say "I do" in late summer (To bride or not to bride). I am still a bachelorette as we speak...So you see, I cannot be relied upon, when it comes to this decision. It's true...I am involved in a seriously long relationship, but evidently that is not enough. I MUST put it in writing...apparently. My poor partner is bored and tired to renew again and again his proposals, but I am sure he has understood until now that becoming a married woman is not my favorite thing on the agenda. In the meantime I keep promising everyone that ...we are just get hitched...Who knows, maybe next year...or next decade.

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