You also may not have noticed that and you're only noticing that now because I'm telling you: things have been a little quiet around here for the past few days.
I have a couple of posts written up that just needs some editing and/or pictures and graphics to go along with them (because one of them is reaaaaaaaaaaaalyyyyyyy long) and I just haven't had lots of time to do so. And there are a couple of reasons for that.
1) I have been writing. Just not here. I now write regularly for Twenties Hacker and had wrote a post for them that was published last Saturday about...budgeting. I know. I know. But it's got some good tips in there. And there will be another post published soon, so you should check that out.
And then I've also started blogging for my church's young adult ministry's blog. And that's what I was doing on Monday.
2) As I said above, I have posts written to publish but I need to add some graphic prettiness to them and I've been pretty busy with some other stuff so I haven't had a chance to sit down with Photoshop and play around.
3) This:

I discovered this wonderfulness on Pinterest a few months ago, and as it became apparent that I might be moving soon, I've started playing around with stuff on it. Because, oh yea, I found a roommate. I actually found a roommate a while ago, but it turns out that getting an apartment is a lot more complicated than just finding someone to live in said apartment with you.
In any event, things with the apartment are moving forward and my roommate and I are actually going to the leasing office this afternoon to talk to them about some stuff, so yea. I've basically spent the large majority of the last two days creating this:

And this:

Those are the two possible apartment layouts we could end up with. So I spent a good chunk of the last three days figuring out how the heck we would fit our furniture into said apartment layouts, depending on which one we get. And I realized along the way that maybe I should've been an interior designer, because it was way fun.
Anyway...I'm off to the leasing office now. So cross your fingers and hopefully I'll have more of an update later this week. Along with real blog posts. Those will come. Promise.