Pass through the darkness
I owe it
I can't escape
To reach the brilliant side
I must cross the maze
My tear drops
My heart throbs
My breath
My wonderful gait
The sensual smile of my face
No it is not an illusion
Nor is a hallucination
Look through my eyes
To gauge the authenticity
I am not playing games
I wore a garb
The one that was not too dark
For I learnt a secret
How to reach out to the universe
That hears you out only if you praise
I try to find no faults
I am done with my frowns
I have begun to love myself
I have accepted myself the way I am
I don't care about the notorious glares
The blindfold on my eyes
I didn't tie
It was tied by a soulful sage
Who showed me how to crawl
And how to walk through the brilliant maze
You don't exist
Neither does the sorrow
Nor does the pain
No more you rein
You no more are in my thoughts
You no more can haunt
This flesh that I call my body
It is dead though it may appear animate
But I can shed and disappear
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