{sparkly} Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

Posted on the 15 June 2011 by Catem @ImCateM
You've got the ring or two or more.  You've got the necklace(s), the bracelet(s) and the earrings.  When you opened them, bought them or put them on for the first time, remember that fabulous gleam?  The radiance?  Do you take them in for a regular cleaning to renew that shine?  How would you like to get that sparkle anytime you want, at home, and with two simple things you already have on hand?
On my recent visit to the jewelers for my six month "diamond checkup", the fellow who cleaned and checked them gave me this super tip on how to do just that.
All you need is some Windex glass cleaner and a soft toothbrush.  Simply spray your diamond with Windex and gently brush away debris with the toothbrush.  Rinse and dry with a soft cloth or paper towel.  Tada!!  Brilliantly dazzling diamonds!  Anddddd, it's also good for your gold surrounding those gems!
I still recommend regular "checkups" and cleaning at your jewelers since their cleaning systems are more thorough and you definitely need to be sure your settings/mountings are not loose.  But if you want a great "touch up" shine.  Try this!!