Happy Independence week, crusaders!
We’re just days away from the mid-week holiday, but first, some history.
This is your annual reminder that today July 2, 1776, is the actual day we decided to call it quits with the British Empire.
On this day in 1776, John Adams became one of the first U.S. politicians to get a little ahead of himself with grand statements when he wrote to his wife to tell her of the day’s events:
“The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America.—I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival.”
To be fair, July 2, 1776, is the day Congress voted to claim independence from Great Britain. And how could he know the whole country would be reading his mail centuries later?
Of course, history would decide that July 4, 1776, the day the Declaration of Independence was officially adopted would be the day to go down in history. And in hindsight, the decision did save us a whole syllable.
So, as we prepare to celebrate our nation’s history this Wednesday, I think it helps to remember that a single day or decision didn’t make our country what it was and is, but many days, many decisions, and an enduring drive to be better.
…bi-daily smile…