Speed Dating

Posted on the 05 July 2012 by Killmenow @lbigfoot

Looking for a mate in the catalog of available females sounds like an escort service or a Ukrainian marriage service but it is not, it is the online dating sites. What can you do? In this day and age, these online sites are often the only avenue to find available women who do not want to date you. At least know that they are available. Not really true as I have met up with some women who were actually married and not even separated. Oh well, their loss.

Here we have a dating site with a plethora of available women who will never find you because you do not pass their filters: Too far away, too old, too tall, too good-looking, you know etc. So how to you get to these women? You never know what may happen. Speed Dating! Here you meet many women none of whom can run away from you. They are your captives for a full seven minutes. Well less than a few minutes as she also has a say. The advantage here is that there are no filters. She is there, in front of you, a gorgeous model with a body like Angelina and you have a few minutes to convince her that you are worthy of a date.

In truth, you get all types. I will be one of the available elligible bachelors in two weeks. Wish the ladies luck. For now remember the Magic words: The Weekend is nigh! Have fun everyone!

Speed dating