Diaries Magazine

Spend Time with the One You're with....Feed Your Soul.

Posted on the 08 July 2012 by Djrelat7 @djrelat7
...There's that song....'Love the one you're with', well spend time with them to.  Yesterday was a lovely Saturday.  The sun was bright and shining.  The temperature was in the high 90's.  I had talked myself into staying in the comforts of my air conditioned bedroom.  I threw the list of things I wanted to do out the window.  Some days you just want to do absolutely nothing.  Especially when there is a laundry list of things to do.  This didn't happen though.  Instead I enjoyed a lovely day with my boyfriend.  He reminded me of the plans I had made the day before and I was going to do them whether I wanted to or not.  I dragged my heels for a good hour, when I should have been getting ready but I wanted to have a little "do nothing" time. Once I was dressed and ready to go, my spirits picked up.
Spend time with the one you're with....Feed your soul. We started off our Saturday afternoon with a delicious lunch at Ralph 'n' Rich's.   This restaurant is located in downtown Bridgeport.  I have been here a handful of times, and I have never been disappointed.  It is a lovely place to have large groups of people.  Once Daniel's hunger was tamed we ventured off to the Art's Festival on the Green in Bridgeport.
Spend time with the one you're with....Feed your soul.
Spend time with the one you're with....Feed your soul. It was great to see all the people come out for this event, despite the heat. It is important to support artists, after all they help us to see the beauty in all things.  I picked up some beautiful prints from my friend Shanna Melton; to see her works you can visit www.poeticsoularts.net.  It has been a pleasure to see her painting evolve.  She is also now doing photography.  Aside from paintings, there were a number of jewelry vendors and other items of an artistic nature.  We cooled off with generous cups of ice cream.  A band was playing melodies and we even got to watch a fashion show; who knew how pretty a dress could be, made up of different ties.  I didn't snap a picture of that because the model moved to fast for my bloggie, but take my word, it was very pretty.

Spend time with the one you're with....Feed your soul.

Photo from Fandango

We rushed off from the art's festival to catch the 1:45 showing of Ted starting  Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis.  Its a story about a grown man and his teddy bear.  I won't ruin it for you if you plan on seeing it.  The one liners will keep you amused throughout the movie, but I suggest you watch it during matinee hours.  It is not worth a full price ticket. If you have kids, this is Rated R, I DO NOT recommend this movie for children under 17.
Spend time with the one you're with....Feed your soul. Spend time with the one you're with....Feed your soul.No movie is complete without dinner, right?  We shared a delicious meal at Taco Loco in Bridgeport.  On my quest of trying new things, I fell in love with Yucca Fries, Dos XX beer and Lime Cilantro dressing.  I meant to take a picture of my Avocado with Mahi salad, but I forgot and I ate it all. :/   I assure you from the trace of absolutely nothing on my plate that it was delicious.  Desert was purchased at the local Stop and Shop, Breyer's Natural Vanilla Ice Cream and FRESH Strawberries.  
A few episodes of one of my favorite t.v. series on Netflix is how we ended the evening.
Daniel and I did a lot yesterday, but none of it was really important.  It was a rare treat to have that chunk of time.  We could have done absolutely nothing.  What was important was the time we spent together.  It is important to spend time with loved ones.  Its one of those things that feeds our souls, like I spoke of last Sunday.  Sometimes life gets so busy that we put off saying Hi to a friend or a family member.  It is not done on purpose but it just gets pushed back on the list of things to do.  If you're reading this and someone has popped into your head, then take a few seconds and send them a text.  Type Hi and add a smiley face :) This translates to... Its ME and I was thinking of YOU.   This Sunday feed your soul by giving that estranged friend a call or the aunt you haven't seen in many moons.  Feed your soul.
Until then, Spend time with the one you're with....Feed your soul.

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