…spice It up

Posted on the 11 September 2014 by Zer @the2women

We’ve just about reached mid-September now, so naturally that means the pushing of the fall merchandise started weeks ago.

Good luck going to Target without leaving with half a dozen Halloween decorations you had no intention of purchasing when you entered the store in search of a toothbrush…good luck.

This is normally the time of year when I start to get excited about the return of the pumpkin spice latte, the drink of the season…but that magic was taken away from me when Starbucks decided to release this seasonal treasure a solid month early…thanks for nothing Starbucks.

I guess  I’ll drown my sorrows in my over-priced coffee drink…that’s spiced with pumpkin, maybe with a side of Oreo’s latest contribution to the pumpkin-flavored nightmare, while sitting among my half a dozen pumpkin scented candles that I had no intention of buying when I went to get that toothbrush…

Yes folks, pay no attention to that number on that meteorological calendar, like it or not, fall (and all of its merchandise) are here. Don’t worry, it won’t last long, Christmas is only 3.5 months away.


Slate: Oreo Has Finally Gotten in on the Pumpkin Spice Trend—and the Results Are Not Good

…bi-daily smile…