
Posted on the 10 March 2016 by Heartbaredtoyou121 @naughtytushki

Show me the light,
I so dearly need
it is too dark,
all around me

Send me over
to the cliff
that beckons

Into those waters
crystal and deep
Don’t shush me to sleep,
the stumbling mind reckons

Sprinkle some moonlight
in the darkness of fate
push me to fight
and clean up that cluttered slate

Humor me
when the chips are down,
play with my reducing hairline
Tell me it is alright
lighten off some load
off of my chest

But don’t
Don’t sugarcoat words
I’ll find out
Don’t mince them
I’ll straighten them out
Don’t push me into a corner
I’ll find my way out
And don’t underestimate me
You’ll wonder how it will pan out
You would believe you’ve won
but honey, I am a fighter
and I have never lost out
Beware ! For the tree that lunges
isn’t the first one to fall down
for the roots are deep
and the bark humble
and it is our will that renders
trees like me,

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