Sponsored Video Domestos UNICEF Partnership Improves Global Sanitation Crisis

Posted on the 19 December 2013 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Did you know that over 2.5 billion people – that is two-fifths of the global population – have no access to safe toilets? Even more heart-breaking is the fact that more than 2000 children under the age of five die from diarrhea every single day because they have no access to basic sanitation.

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The Domestos UNICEF Partnership – Improving Global Sanitation Crisis

The Unilever Foundation, along with its brand Domestos has pledged its support to UNICEF’s CATS program – Community Approaches to Total Sanitation – a behavior change program that spreads awareness of good hygiene practices. The goal of this program is to create a demand for access to toilets and make people aware of the sanitation crisis, encouraging them to work together to reduce disease caused by a lack of sanitation.

Years ago – and I am talking about more than two decades here – relatives from the village were visiting us in the city. They arrived in the afternoon and we all had a great time catching up. The day drew to an end and everyone went to bed, looking forward to a fun-filled week ahead, with plans for sight-seeing and lots of chatter.

The next morning, one of our guests, an Uncle, asked for a pail of water. He wanted it so he could step out and scout around for a place to poop. We were stunned. We had clean modern bath rooms and toilets at home. In fact, we grew up with them! So what the….! Further investigation revealed that at their home in the village, while they had a nice palatial home, they had no toilets! NO toilets! They went in the fields, in the open air.

In fact, it is a big joke that more households in India have mobile phones than toilets.

No laughing matter, really. Oh yes, our relatives have come a long way since then and now have a whole block of toilets in their backyard.


We still have a long way to go.

That is why I am glad that the Domestos UNICEF partnership, via the CATS program focuses on:

  • Promoting good hygiene practices
  • Initiating a demand for access to toilets
  • Raising awareness of the sanitation crisis to prevent diseases

So far, the CATS program has:

  • Improved the lives of 13.5 million people and is active in 50 countries
  • Initiated sanitation, safe water and hygiene facilities for school children in Ghana, Nicaragua and Sudan.
  • Trained 600 community and local Government on how to implement community and school led sanitation programs in Vietnam

Through the Domestos UNICEF partnership, in support of the CATS program, Domestos contributes 5% of its sales in select countries in the Philippines, South Sudan and Vietnam and improving sanitation in India, Indonesia and Brazil.

The United Nations has deemed access to improved sanitation a basic human right and rightly so. Without it, there is a high risk of diseases like diarrhea that kills children and adults alike. Unilever has pledged to help more than 1 billion people take action to improve their health and well-being.

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Visit Domestos for UNICEF to learn more about their partnership

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Improving sanitation world-wide is a mammoth task.
But together, we can make a difference.

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Post sponsored by Unilever.
All thoughts are my own.

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